Science of Lead Nurturing, by Jim Greenway, TD Williams

By AMA Tulsa (other events)

Thursday, July 16 2015 11:30 AM 1:00 PM CDT

Life would certainly be easier if buying decisions were made instantly. But the reality is, buying decisions are becoming gradually more complex. More people in the organization than ever before are now involved in each decision. Organizations are researching their options online, often for several months, before they are ready to buy. Sales cycles can sometimes last as long as 18 to 24 months so how do you as a marketing professional keep the prospect interests until they are ready to purchase? 

This presentation will provide insight into the process and science of nurturing your contacts and turning them into "sales ready leads". Case studies will be provided.

Jim Greenway is a veteran marketing and sales professional with over 25 years experience supporting Marketing Communications, Sales, IT, and Business Development. Jim is the manager of online marketing at T.D. Williamson, where he is responsible for the company's online, inbound, and outbound marketing strategies, including its website and external campaigns.